Hi there! I’m Anthony John Ibanez, 30 years of age. Born on the 17th day of November in the year 1986. I am currently doing the business of the Lord as one of the Junior Pastors under the coverage of His Life Ministries, Inc.

This is my story. A moment in my life wherein a turning point took place and changes everything.


Turning point is defined as a time at which a decisive change in a situation occurs, especially one with beneficial results. We have all experienced those turning points in our lives. The moments when we make a decision which changes everything.

*** In the midst of abundance***

I used to live a life of abundance. My father’s compensation was more than enough to support the family. My parents were more than able to give what I want. Every birthday celebration of mine was a blast! I couldn’t even count my toys using my fingers. A sumptuous meal I enjoyed every day. I had a private doctor that checked on me from time to time. It was indeed a life of abundance. And our financial status attracted many. We were famous in our village. My father got lot of friends. We even had visitors every night. It could still remember when we adopted a certain family.

In the midst of abundance I found security. In the midst of abundance I found happiness. And everything changed when my father lost his job. 

From then on, the life of abundance became a life of survival.

*** The joy remains ***

We lost everything. Even those who were so proud of telling us they’re our relatives. Tatay lost his friends. Most of them. Everyday became a struggle. The life I used to have when I was small, it’s now gone. But even in the midst of severe difficulties, there was still joy. Even our stomach was empty and was aching, we’re still manage to smile and enjoy the day.

We lost everything when I was in grade Four. From then on, going to school was a struggle.

It happened countless times that I have to wake up early because they can’t afford to give me an allowance so the only way to attend my class was to walk. It happened many times that I just stayed in our room during break time because I don’t have a single penny to buy for my merienda. And it was so painful to witness your mom crying because of your situation and your dad so desperate to give you a brighter future. The longing of my mother to send me to school led her to work as a house helper and a laundry woman, even she’s not physically fit.

And that made me to be strong. To be positive. To be determined. To finish my school and to have a degree.

*** The Controversy ***

Our financial status didn’t change when I enter the university. And to sustain myself, I was selling sandwiches during break time. I even worked as an assistant of one our professors and eventually became the private tutor of her two children. Self- supporting to be exact.

And with that strong desire to finish my degree, I found myself part of a certain controversy that greatly involved money.

I was part of our school publication during my third year in college and it was I who’s in charge to handle the funds. In the midst of our financial instability, I gave in into temptation to use the funds for my personal agenda… The money we collected from the students’ fee for school publication, I used to pay for my tuitions. A portion of it I used to purchase my school supplies. But it didn’t last for a longer. Our Editor- in – chief discovered my secret. I was summoned to the Dean’s office to explain myself. I was asked by the Student Government to present the financial statements.

I found myself in a shameful situation. It was only then I realized my mistakes.

Worst, it was also during that time that my mother’s condition became worst. She’s sick and we cannot afford to send her to hospital. We cannot afford to support her medications. She’s bedridden for so long. And I was overwhelmed with guilt seeing my mother on that condition.

*** The nightmare ***

Three weeks before the school year ended, my mother breathed her last. I was so down. She was my strength and my motivation. The very reason why I was so persistent and so determined to had a degree. I was so down. So hurt. And I couldn’t even go back to school. Only if I can pay exact amount I personally used. With no choice left, I decided to stop and look for a job instead.

*** And the storm***

But I wasn’t able to find a job and stayed in our home doing nothing for a year and a half. I was still hoping that my school would consider my case and allow me to continue my schooling. The hope was still alive until one day, I faced another storm.

I was diagnosed of having PTB minimal. It was not a matter of life and death but my physical sickness swallowed the hope that’s within me. I began asking myself, why me? Why of all people me?

From the day my father lost his job, the life of abundance became a life of survival. And I was asking myself where on earth I can get the money for my medications?

*** The Turning Point***


A month before I discovered I had PTB, my high school friend texted me if it’s possible to visit her mom in their house. I had plenty of vacant time so I said yes. Her mother was the wife of our Barangay Captain back then. We had a good conversation and I am aware of their faith. In the midst of our conversation, she invited me to come to church. I was hesitant at first but finally said yes. When I informed her I was sick, she was worried and asked prayer from some of the church members.

My condition became worst at the last week of October year 2008. I was coughing so hard. Couldn’t sleep well. I lost half of my weight. I was a walking skeleton during that time.

My classmate’s mother was still inviting me to attend church. And I just said if my condition became better, I can join you but if not, I’ll just stay home and have a rest.

On the 2nd day of November, that was Sunday, I decided to attend church. I’m just covering my mouth because I was coughing from time to time. My knees were trembling. I felt so cold. I was shaking. I couldn’t even concentrate on the message. They had a guest from Australia, a missionary. Her name is Ruchelle Turpin.

At the end of the message, she requested the band to play a song again and asked if there’s anyone who would love to be prayed for. One by one, responded. I heard them crying to the Lord. I saw some falling on the ground and then wept. Others were shouting. Some were shaking. And I found myself standing in front and when her hands were upon me, I felt a certain energy that caused my knees to tremble and for the tears to fall. I’d experienced the peace that was gone for a long period of time.

As the service ended, I was about to leave the place but an old woman insisted that I would stay and she introduced me to the speaker. This old woman knew my physical condition and requested the speaker to pray for healing.

Before the prayer was made, we talked. She was asking me questions. She asked if I believe in miracle, if I believe that God is all powerful, if I believe in Jesus and if Jesus was already in my heart. I said not yet. Her response was so simple yet it was filled with love and compassion. Before receiving His healing, received Jesus as your Lord and personal Savior. Will you? With tears falling, I nod and she led to pray the sinner’s prayer. I fell on the ground for the second time. When they assisted me to rise, she then prayed the prayer of healing and my entire body was shaking, I was crying and once again, I’d experienced the peace. The peace I was looking for when we lost everything. The peace I was looking for when my mother died and with that mistake I’ve made when I was in school. The peace that was gone when I was diagnosed of having PTB minimal.

*** The beginning of the journey***

My sickness indeed became the turning point in my life that changes my life. After I got saved, I started serving the Lord and that’s the start of a journey filled with purpose and for a purpose. It was then I realized it was because of Him why I am strong. The factor behind my courage and the determination not to give up but be resilient is Him. It was when I got saved that I discovered that His faithfulness sees me through and He never and will never let me go.

As my walk with the Lord continues, it is with boldness that my story will not just inspire many but will lead them to discover the love of our Abba Father in heaven, manifested by the sacrifice of Jesus Christ and being made known by the Holy Spirit.


My voice will be His voice telling every person of the assurance we have in Him.

My voice will be His voice proclaiming His redemptive works to humanity.

My voice will be His voice giving comfort to those who are in pain.

My voice will be His voice of peace in this chaotic world.

My voice will be His voice of encouragement that in Him, we can hope and dream again.

For His glory and for His honor!


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